Monday, September 13, 2010

The ship were no stronger than a nutshell and as leaky as an unstanched wench.

During Act I, Scene ii of William Shakespeare's The Tempest, we initially meet Prospero and his daughter Miranda. Prospero is immediately identified as manipulative through his words and dictation that he chooses to use around certain people. He tells Miranda after she confides in him she is upset by the storm the ship has been through to, "Have comfort. The direful spectacle of the wrack, which touched the very virtue of compassion in thee, I have with such provision in mine art so safely ordered that there is no soul— No, not so much perdition as an hair betid to any creature in the vessel—Which thou heard’st cry, which thou sawst sink." Here Prospero admits to contriving the lie of the storm through his words, to his daughter. He is sympathetic out of preotection and fatherly love to Miranda, yet when he speaks to Ariel after she asks him about taking a year off her sentence, he becomes angry and calls her names. She is in his service as a slave, so when she asks for compassion and an early release he yells at her reminding her of the condition she was in when he saved her, saying, she had "...Groans of ever angry bears. It was a torment did make wolves howl and penetrate the breasts to lay upon the damned, which Sycorax could not again undo. It was mine art, when I arrived and heard thee, that made gape the pine and let thee out." He uses elaborate and descriptive language to manipulate how Ariel feels about him and her service with him, so she'll stop asking about the year he promised to her. Prospero is very conscious of the way he speaks and particular words he uses to reform the ways people think about him, and the situations surrounding him. He has such a way with words as to convince all that he knows all, and is the one person to have the utmost respect for.


  1. So, hello. I guess you haven't really done your blog postings, haha, yeah, I hate them too. Well, I have to comment this group for not participating in the "Socratic Circle!" Lame, anyways, I guess I'll just respond to your latest blog, The Tempest. I really liked what you said and how you supported your ideas. I also liked the big vocabulary words, which I need to look up. ^.^ Good use of quotes from the text; it helps me in using quotes into my own writings as well. Also, from reading your blog, I get a way better understanding of how to use quotes and support it well, not that I can do that, but it helps me know what areas that I need to work on. So, I agree with what you said in your blog, that Prospero has a way with words that has some power to convince the enslaved characters to obey him. I doubt that this is 150 words, but I also doubt that he will check this, so therefore; I guess I am done here. Oh yeah, the Socratic Circle was somewhat helpful; I think the Socratic Circle really helps, even though I dislike it a lot.

  2. Well, aren’t you missing some blogs? Haha. I would not do them if it was not mandatory. Anyways, your Tempest’s blog: Act 1 was well-written. You provided evidences of how Prospero manipulated the people and things around him. Then you support your evidences with your commentaries. I agree with you on how Prospero do use descriptive language to persuade or lure others into his command. By speaking of the past and making himself sound like a hero, he is able to trap Ariel under his control again. You also persuade me with your usage of words. It is something that I need to improve on. Megan, how do you speak so freely? I am always afraid of getting rejected. And most of the time, I don’t even know what we are talking about in the class. I like your confident and smartness. Sorry that it was out of the blue.

  3. I love how you both notice that I basically have done nothing in this class. Thanks. Haha. I am indeed missing tons of stuff. However I'll be getting on that soon because Kayla and I have a bet. :D

  4. And Thanks Choua! I just don't have a filter. I say whatever and that's that. Usually Kayla will keep me in check and tell me to shut up. Ha. But I just say what I feel, it's the thespian in me I suppose. :)
